Ultimate Makeover
The Lather Lounge along with www.ajfit4you.com would like to present to you, The Ultimate Make-Over. A complete body Make-Over.
Package One : Dietary Coaching
Dietary coaching includes a one week meal plan that is based off of your food preferences. This meal plan is set up so you can cycle it for more than one week if you choose to do so. With this meal plan you will also have full access to Justin and Ariel's guidance for one month. In the month we will connect daily and weekly to teach you the necessary tools to making healthy choices indefinitely. Includes a Color transformation, Haircut, Style, Make-up session and before and after photos.
- $480.00 Value for $368.00
Package Two: Exercise Program & Coaching
This includes a 6 week workout program that is designed to fit your current fitness level, your goals, and the equipment in which you have access to you. One month of coaching is also provided. Our goal is to teach you how to be comfortable in a fitness facility and how to properly progress yourself in reaching new goals. Includes a Color transformation, Haircut, Style, Make-up session and before and after photos. - $480.00 Value for $368.00
Package Three: Exercise Program and Dietary Coaching
This includes a 6 week workout program that is designed to fit your current fitness level, your goals, and the equipment in which you have access to you. One month of coaching is also provided. Our goal is to teach you how to be comfortable in a fitness facility and how to properly progress yourself in reaching new goals. Along with dietary coaching, which; includes a one week meal plan that is based off of your food preferences. This meal plan is set up so you can cycle it for more than one week if you choose to do so. With this meal plan you will also have full access to Justin and Ariel's guidance for one month. In the month we will connect daily and weekly to teach you the necessary tools to making healthy choices indefinitely. Includes a Color transformation, Haircut, Style, Make-up session and before and after photos. - $630.00 Value for $518.00